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Link Download Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase E Kurikulum Nasional

Link Download Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase E Kurikulum Nasional Sahabat Sangkolan, Berikut ini adalah Link Download Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase E Kurikulum Nasional. Dalam era digital yang terus berkembang, pendidikan menjadi kunci untuk menghadapi tantangan global. Pemerintah telah memperkenalkan Kurikulum Nasional sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia.  Salah satu aspek penting dari kurikulum ini adalah penguatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, yang merupakan bahasa internasional yang vital untuk komunikasi global.  Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas peran bahasa Inggris dalam Kurikulum Nasional, dengan fokus pada perangkat pembelajaran Fase E dan menyediakan link downloadnya. 1. Kurikulum Nasional Kurikulum Nasional merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk membawa perubahan dalam pendidikan Indonesia. Tujuan utamanya adalah memberikan fleksibilitas kepada sekolah dalam menyusun kurikulum sesuai dengan kebutuhan lokal da...

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News

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Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News

Jawaban Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News
Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA1 Profesional - News

1. What does the headline leave out this newsworthy fact about the incident?

The type of the train getting the accident

The cause of the incident

The time of incident

The place of the incident

2. We know from the news report that Joni did not associate train accidents with....


track safety


material loss

3. What is the newspaper's position toward the incident?

It blames the government for the incident.

It praises KAI Daop II for KAI's immediate action to secure the executive cars.

It objectively reports the details of the incident.

It praises KAI Daop II for apologizing to the passangers for the incident.

4. Which of the newsworthy fact in the headline is most elaborated?

The railway tracks

The train

The railway station

The town

5. Despite the incident, no train delays ....

had happened


were observed

were made

were reported

6. Who is most likely the target readers of the news report?

People in general

Medical business people

Health insurance companies

Medical scientists

Pharmaceutical industries

7. What is the writer's attitude towards the issue?

Concerned with the discharge

Angry at the hospital's slow response

Supports the hospital's policy

Disappointed with the discharge

8. Reading the news, we eventually know that ....

Mr. Voelker was afraid of getting contaminated by the disease

the Voelkers could not take care of Mrs Voelker

the Voelkers got angry with the hospital

Mr. Voelker is most concerned with the risk on the daughter's health

9. Which of the following has the least news worthiness?

The risk on the family

The onerous safety precautions to protect the family

The source person

The timing of the discharge

10. Which of the statements is true as far as the news is concerned?

Mrs Voelker shouldn't have been discharged from the hospital after testing positive for Influenza.

Mr. Voulker could be concerned by his mother's discharge from the hospital for testing Influenza.

The hospital wouldn't have discharged Mrs Voelker for tesing positive for influenza.

Canbera hospital would have treated Mrs Voelker for being positive

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