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Link Download Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase E Kurikulum Nasional

Link Download Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase E Kurikulum Nasional Sahabat Sangkolan, Berikut ini adalah Link Download Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase E Kurikulum Nasional. Dalam era digital yang terus berkembang, pendidikan menjadi kunci untuk menghadapi tantangan global. Pemerintah telah memperkenalkan Kurikulum Nasional sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia.  Salah satu aspek penting dari kurikulum ini adalah penguatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, yang merupakan bahasa internasional yang vital untuk komunikasi global.  Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas peran bahasa Inggris dalam Kurikulum Nasional, dengan fokus pada perangkat pembelajaran Fase E dan menyediakan link downloadnya. 1. Kurikulum Nasional Kurikulum Nasional merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk membawa perubahan dalam pendidikan Indonesia. Tujuan utamanya adalah memberikan fleksibilitas kepada sekolah dalam menyusun kurikulum sesuai dengan kebutuhan lokal da...

Cause and Effect ; A Conjunction Followed by A Clause and A Phrase / Gerund

Sahabat Sangkolan, Berikut ini adalah Materi mengenai Cause and Effect ; A Conjunction Followed by A Clause and A Phrase / Gerund.

Peta Konsep;
Konteks ; lingkungan sosial di sekolah
Fungsi Sosial ; Menjelaskan, memberikan alasan, messyukuri, dsb
Struktur teks ; Dapat mencakup: 1) Memulai, 2) Menanggapi (diharapkan/ di luar dugaan)
Unsur kebahasaan ; Kata yang menyatakan hubungan sebab akibat: because of due to thanks to... Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their.

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah kegiatan pembelajaran 1 ini peserta didik diharapkan mampu membedakan dan menggunakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan ungkapan sebab akibat because of ..., due to ..., thanks to .. dalam percakapan sehari-hari sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

B. Uraian Materi 

Perhatikan percakapan di bawah ini !

With a partner, read the conversation given below.

Jane     : Hi Ray! What are you doing?

Ray       : Hey Jane! I am reading an article on smoking.

Jane     : Smoking! Why?

Ray       :For presentation in Science class.

Jane    : So tell me what you learnt about smoking.

Ray       : Did you know that smoking is one of the main causes of sickness in smokers? For example:

1. Smoking weakens the lungs due to which there is a build up of poisonous substances.

2. Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers.

Jane     : Really? It sounds scary.

Ray       : It is! If we do not educate people about the effects of smoking, there will be a lot of people suffering from these diseases.

Jane     : You are right. We have to do it.

Discuss with your partner 

1. What do you think is happening in the above conversation? 

2. Do you think smoking is dangerous? 

3. Do you think it should be banned?

halaman selanjutnya :

halaman 2

Building Block

Kata penghubung sebab-akibat atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut cause-effect adalah kata penghubung yang menghubungkan sebuah sebab dan akibatnya. Ada dua jenis kata penghubung yaitu:

1. Kata penghubung yang diikuti dengan clause 

Kata penghubung yang diikuti dengan klausa/ clause adalah kata penghubung yang memerlukan sebuah subject dan predicate dalam penulisannya. Kata penghubung jenis pertama ini antara lain:

a) Because

Sinta was absent because she got bad cold yesterday

b) Since

Jenny has decided to move to Surabaya since there are more opportunities for employment in that city.

c) As

The players delivered a splendid performance as they had rehearsed well

d) For

He could not get a seat for he came too late

e) As a result of

There are too many tasks, as a result most of the students are unhappy and stressed.

2. Kata penghubung yang diikuti frasa / gerund

Kata penghubung yang diikuti frasa adalah kata hubung yang hanya diikuti dengan frasa benda saja atau gerund tanpa ada predicate atau verb di dalamnya. Kata penghubung jenis kedua ini antara lain:

a) Due to

Due to driving while drunk, his driving license was seized by the police

b) Because of

The teacher got angry because of the students’ disobedience

c) Owing to

Owing to her hard work, she passed the SBMPTN entrancestest

d) Thanks to

Thanks to their good plan, the event ran well.

We can mention the cause first, then the effect.

    e.g. A tsunami causes disturbances.

We can also mention the effect first, then the cause.

    e.g. A tsunami is caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water

halaman selanjutnya :

halaman 3

Penugasan Mandiri Match the words in the left column with the word in the right one so that they show a relationship.

1. Global warming             A. Anopheles Mosquito bite

2. Accident                         B. Lack of rain

3. Malaria                         C. Economic crisis

4. Flood                             D. Broken home

5. Juvenile delinquency     E. Ozone depletion

6. Drought                         F. Lack of vitamin

7. Water pollution              G. Careless driving

8. Unemployment             H. Plastic waste

9. Avitaminosis                 I. Misunderstanding

10. Chaos                         J. Barren forest

Based on your answer, make a sentence showing a cause and effect relationship. Number one is done for you.

1. Global warming is caused by ozone depletion

2. ………………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………

4. ………………………………………………………………………

5. ………………………………………………………………………

6. ………………………………………………………………………

7. ………………………………………………………………………

8. ………………………………………………………………………

9. ………………………………………………………………………

10. ………………………………………………………………………

Latihan Soal

Do these exercises below by completing the sentences using Because or Because of !

1. I can not come to your house______it is rain

2. I am afraid_______a ghost

3. Sinta makes a cake______her mom likes it

4. we will join that community______you

5. _______we never realize him anymore in our life

6. I don’t bring an umbrella______it is not rain

7. That girl is so smart______she never be lazy to study

8. Diana can not come to the party_______her mom never let her

9. My life has changed and it is_______you

10. I let him to go ______ I care with you

11. we were bored_______the space was too long

12. We decided to stay at office______the weather was bad

13. ________the weather was bad, she stayed at office

14. she lets me go_____she never care with me

15. I am not happy______the film is not so good

16. Alex was worried______the rain

17. we were bored______the speech

18. I am so happy______I always with you here

19. _______this cake, he loves me so much

20. I will wear a jacket______the weather was so cold

Demikian artikel terbaru kami mengenai , Semoga Bermanfaat.


1. about smoking article for presentation in science class
2. of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't educate people about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease.
putri finang said…
1.about smoking article for presentation in science class

2.of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers

3.Yes, if we don't educate people about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nama= Rossa Fitriana Safira


1.about the dangers of smoking
2.Yes, because it can cause heart attacks, strokes, stomach ulcers and weaken the lungs
3.Yes, because smoking is dangerous for health
Nama:Hesti Nur Alifah
1.about the dangers of smoking
2.Yes, because it can cause heart attacks, strokes, stomach ulcers and weaken the lungs
3.Yes, because smoking is dangerous for health
Alya said…
Name:Alya Wesliyah
1. Hey Jane! I am reading an article on smoking.
2. 1. Smoking weakens the lungs due to which there is a build up of poisonous substances.

2. Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers.

3.Ray : It is! If we do not educate people about the effects of smoking, there will be a lot of people suffering from these diseases.

Jane : You are right. We have to do it.
Halimatus said…
1. about smoking article for presentation in science class
2. of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't educate people about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease.
Juliana safara said…
1.discussing smoking articles
2.Yes, because it is one of the main causes of disease
3.Yes, because smoking is one of the main causes of disease
Diana sa'baniya said…
1. Read articles about smoking

2. Smoking is very dangerous because it causes
- Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic substances.
- Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers.

3. Yes, because smoking causes disease
1. Read articles about smoking

2. Smoking is very dangerous because it causes
- Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic substances.
- Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers.

3. Yes, because smoking causes disease
Musyarofah said…
1.causes that smoking is dangerous for users
2. Yes because it can cause heart attacks and strokes
3. is strictly prohibited because it is dangerous to human health

Halimatus said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nabila said…
1.about smoking article for presentation in science class

2.of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers

3.Yes, if we don't educate people about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease
Alya said…
Name: Alya wesliyah
1.about smoking article for presentation in science class

2.of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers

3.Yes, if we don't educate people about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease
Halimatus said…
1. about smoking article for presentation in science class
2. of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't educate people about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease.
Nabila said…
1.about smoking article for presentation in science class

2.of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers

3.Yes, if we don't educate people about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease
Halimatus said…
Halimatus Sa'diyah
1. about smoking article for presentation in science class
2. of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't educate people about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease.
Juliana safara said…
1.discussing smoking articles
2.Yes, because it is one of the main causes of disease
3.Yes, because smoking is one of the main causes of disease
Diana sa'baniya said…
1. Read articles about smoking

2. Smoking is very dangerous because it causes
- Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic substances.
- Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers.

3. Yes, because smoking causes disease
Umamah said…
1.discuss articles about cigarettes
2.Yes, because it is one of the main causes of disease
3. Yes, because smoking is one of the main causes of disease
Umamah said…
Nama : umamah
1.discuss articles about cigarettes
2.Yes, because it is one of the main causes of disease
3. Yes, because smoking is one of the main causes of disease
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nama : Indy Rif Ati zamra
Kelas: XI TKJ 1
1. Read an article about smoking to present in class
2.-Smoking weakens the lungs
-Can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, because smoking can cause disease, apart from that it can harm people around the smoker due to the smoke emitted
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nurul Failah XI TKJ 1

1. article about cigarettes for presentation in science class
2. Of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't educate the public about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease.
Nurul Failah XI TKJ 1

1. article about cigarettes for presentation in science class
2. Of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't educate the public about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease.
sakinah hayati said…
Sakinah Hayati

1. about smoking articles and the dangers of smoking
2. yes, because it can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. yes, because it is dangerous for health
Nama : siti maryam kls :XI Tkj 1
Stop smoking because cigarettes can cause many diseases such as lung stroke and othersSmoking is a habit that is very detrimental to our health. starting from the risk of serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, to negative impacts on vital organs such as the lungs and circulatory system.
Sulaimah said… articles about smoking
2.smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic subtances
Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers
3.yes, because smokinh causes disease
Anonymous said…
Nama:Gurril M
Kls :XI TKJ 1
1.about smoking articles
2.Yes, because it can cause disease
3.Yes, if we don't educate the public about the impacts of smoking
A murobbil haq said…
Kls :XI TKJ 1
1.about smoking articles
2.Yes, because it can cause disease
3.Yes, if we don't educate the public about the impacts of smoking
Anonymous said…
Kls :XI TKJ 1
1.about smoking articles
2.Yes, because it can cause disease
3.Yes, if we don't educate the public about the impacts of smoking
Siti maryam
1.about the dangers of smoking

2.Yes, because it can cause heart and lung disease

3.yes, if it can't be reduced
Imarotus sa'diyah
1.about the dangers of smoking

2.Yes, because it can cause heart and lung disease

3.yes, if it can't be reduced
Suhairiyanto said…
1. Read articles about smoking

2. Smoking is very dangerous because it causes
- Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic substances.
- Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers.

3. Yes, because smoking causes disease
Suhairiyanto said…
1. Read articles about smoking

2. Smoking is very dangerous because it causes
- Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic substances.
- Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers.

3. Yes, because smoking causes disease
Suhairiyanto said…
1. Read articles about smoking

2. Smoking is very dangerous because it causes
- Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic substances.
- Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers.

3. Yes, because smoking causes disease
Az Zahra Syafa said…
Az Zahra Syafa
1. membuat artikel tentang bahaya nya mengkonsumsi rokok
2. mengkonsumsi rokok dapat menimbulkan penyakit seperti stroke penyakit jantung dan lain lain
3.ya, karena berbahaya bagi kesehatan
Anonymous said…
1.discussing smoking articles
2.Yes, because it is one of the main causes of disease
3.Yes, because smoking is one of the main causes of disease

Nma: Kamelia Aysyah
Class:XI Ak
Anonymous said…
1.discussing smoking articles
2.Yes, because it is one of the main causes of disease
3.Yes, because smoking is one of the main causes of disease

Nma: Kamelia Aysyah
Class:XI Ak
nurul qomaria said…
1. smoking articles, educating people about smoking.
2. yes, because it can cause heart attacks, stroke, and ulcers.
3. yes, if we don't educate the public about the impacts of smoking.
Anonymous said…
1.discussing smoking articles
2.Yes, because it is one of the main causes of disease
3.Yes, because smoking is one of the main causes of disease

Nma: Kamelia Aysyah
Class:XI Ak
Vina Rahmatika said…
Nama : Vina Rahmatika
Kelas: XI AKL
1. Read an article about smoking to present in class
2.-Smoking weakens the lungs
-Can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, because smoking can cause disease, apart from that it can harm people around the smoker due to the smoke emitted
Syafitri said…

1.bahaya merokok
2.karena dapat menyebabkan stroke,serangan jantung,melemahkan paru paru
3.merokok bahaya untuk kesehatan
Diva said…
Name: Diva Maulidia
Class: XI AKL
1. Research articles about smoking for a presentation
2. Cigarettes are the main cause of several deadly diseases
3. It must be banned and also educate the public about the dangers of smoking
Nurhalisah said…
1. Articles about smoking
2 . Because it can cause heart ulcers and stroke
3. Yes, because it can cause disease in people who smoke and in people who are in the area of ​​people who smoke because they inhale cigarette smoke
nama : safira nurul itq
kelas : XI akutansi articles about smoking
2.yes,because it can can cause disease
3.smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Eka Prastiwi said…
1. articles about smoking
2. Yes, it is dangerous because smoking can cause various diseases to nest in our bodies
3. must be prohibited because smoking does not only affect one person but also the people around us
Selviyana said…
Nama: Selviyana
Kelas :XI AKL
1.Explains the article about cigarettes and the dangers of smoking.
2.Smoking has many dangers, such as smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic substances.
3.Yes, because smoking can cause disease and even death.
Holipahh said…
Nama: holipah
1. discussing smoking articles
2. Yes, because smoking is dangerous for our health, and smoking can cause lung disease "
3. Yes, smoking should be banned because it is better for your health
nama : safira nurul itq
kelas : XI akutansi articles about smoking
2.yes,because it can can cause disease
3.smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Safira said…
Nama: Safira
Kelas: XI AKL

1. About smoking articles
2. smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic subtances
Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't Educate the public about the impact of smoking
Fadila agustina said…
Nama:Fadila Agustina
Kls:XI akl
1.About Smoking articles
2.smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic subtances
Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers
3.Yes,if we don't Educate the public about the impacts of smoking
Susilawati said…
kelas : XI akutansi articles about smoking
2.yes,because it can can cause disease
3.smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Nurhalisah said…

1. Articles about smoking
2. Smoking can cause stomach ulcers and heart disease
3. Smoking should be prohibited because it can cause disease in people who smoke
ulfatul hasanah said…
Nama:Ulfa tul hasanah
kls: XI AKL 1

1.discuss the dangers of smoking
2.Yes, because it can cause various diseases
3.Yes, for the good of all of us
Safira said…
Nama: Safira
Kelas: XI AKL

1. About smoking articles
2. smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Smoking weakens the lungs due to the buildup of toxic subtances
Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't Educate the public about the impact of smoking
Aulia said…
kelas : XI akutansi articles about smoking
2.yes,because it can can cause disease
3.smoking is very dangerous because it causeskelas :
Nur Fahaniya said…
Nama:Nur Fahaniya
Kls : 11 AKL

1. Talk about smoking articles and the dangers of smoking
2. Yes, because it can cause heart disease, ulcers, strokes
3. Yes, we have to warn people not to smoke
Nama putri devi said…
Nama Putri Devi
Kls XI akl
1. article about cigarettes for presentation in science class
2. Of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't educate the public about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease.
Nama putri devi said…
Nama Putri Devi
Kls XI akl
1. article about cigarettes for presentation in science class
2. Of course, because smoking can cause heart attacks, strokes and ulcers
3. Yes, if we don't educate the public about the impacts of smoking, many people will suffer from this disease.
Sakinahhhhhhhhhh said…
1. Articles about smoking
2. Smoking can cause stomach ulcers and heart disease
3. Smoking should be prohibited because it can cause disease in people who smoke
Nama: kamelia wi'am wahab
Kelas : XL AKL
1.about smoking articles
2. smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Smoking weakens the lungs due to the accumulation of toxic substances
Smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers
3.Yes, if we don't educate the public about the impacts of smoking
Nur Faizah said…
Nama:Nur Faizah
kelas : XI akutansi articles about smoking
2.yes,because it can can cause disease
3.smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Anonymous said…
Nama:sintatul husna
kelas : XI akutansi articles about smoking
2.yes,because it can can cause disease
3.smoking is very dangerous because it causes
Nama : Syafira nur albania
Kelas:xi akuntansi

1.Articles about cigarettes
2.Yes, because it can cause disease/death
3. Smoking is very dangerous for health
Meyliza Rohmah said…
Nama : Meyliza Rohmah
Kelas : XI AKL

1. Discuss smoking articles
2. Yes, because it is one of the main causes of diseases such as weakening the lungs, heart attacks, strokes and so on
3. Yes, because smoking can cause disease in society.
Rizqa Tiafani said…
Rizqa Tiafani articles about smoking and educate
2.Yes, because it is also a cause of several diseases
3.Yes, it is prohibited, because it has a dangerous impact on users and people around them

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